Around 1% of the population worldwide is diagnosed on the autism spectrum. Partly because of their difficulties with social and nonverbal communication and interaction, the internet offers a great place for adolescents on the spectrum to organise themselves. They are seen to share ideas and experiences or ask each other for advice for dealing with certain difficulties in their daily life, caused by the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
In this paper, a designated online platform for adolescents on the autism spectrum was developed in close collaboration with the target group. For this, a co-design approach consisting out of 3 iterations was used. The co-design sessions were conducted with 3 participants on the autism spectrum with ages ranging from 13 to 15.
Research on the characteristics of ASD that could have an influence on the co-design process was done and possible solutions for the accompanying challenges were formed. During the iterations of the process, these characteristics were evaluated and finally the expected and experienced influence of these on the collaborations were compared. Simultaneously, a prototype of the online platform was developed and updated every iteration of the co-design.